Plans and Reports

Verde and Living Cully: A Venture in Placemaking

“Verde and Living Cully: A Venture in Placemaking” is a case study by Ecotrust and the Economics for Equity and the Environment Network that details the role of the non-profit organization Verde and the history, projects and outcomes of the Living Cully ecodistrict initiative in Portland, Oregon’s Cully neighborhood.

The Cully neighborhood is a low-income, diverse community on Portland’s east side. Led by the non-profit organization Verde, Living Cully focuses on using sustainability to combat poverty and displacement in the community.

The Cully neighborhood has historically suffered from underinvestment, lack of access to environmental amenities and infrastructure and high levels of local pollution. The work of the Living Cully coalition counteracts this history through an integrated series of investments in the neighborhood, including parkland, open space, community gardens, natural areas and energy-efficient affordable housing.