by Rob Bennett

January 17, 2025

The Just Communities Web Platform Has Expanded to Better Serve our Learning and Practitioner Community.

We are delighted to unveil the second phase of our three-phase expansion of the Just Communities web platform. Over the past year, we have crafted a more robust, secure, and user-friendly learning and community management system. This system is designed to facilitate the promotion and administration of our programs, including our Just Communities Accredited Practitioner (AP) and Just Communities Certified programs. Our new website focuses on:


Creating Stories and Sparking Inspiration

We have launched a new blog to highlight inspiring and crucial work done by urban and community development leaders who are actively implementing Just Communities principles. If you’re interested in contributing to our blog and sharing stories about your work or your partners’, please reach out to us at


Capturing and Sharing Best Practices

We have launched a new Information Exchange to assist practitioners seeking to gain insights into Just Communities best practices. This searchable database houses a growing number of case studies, model policies, toolkits, plans, reports, and metrics/indicators, meticulously curated to enhance practitioners’ knowledge. If you are a Just Communities AP, we encourage you to contribute to the Information Exchange through our submission portal.


Building a Community of Practice

We have developed a powerful asynchronous learning platform that includes the introductory AP Foundations Course and exam, which forms the core of our learning program for aspiring AP students. Additionally, we have created an Upcoming Events page that showcases the leading conferences, webinars, and trainings throughout the US and beyond. Finally, we have established a depository of incredible webinars and keynote speeches from the EcoDistricts and Just Communities back catalogue to facilitate ongoing learning and engagement. We encourage you to come back frequently, as we add more content each month.


Supporting and Celebrating Neighborhood Leadership

We have strengthened the Just Communities Certified program to guide and celebrate communities, developers, and cities that apply the Just Communities Protocol in their neighborhood and district scale regeneration projects. Later this winter, we will unveil an exciting new interactive Just Communities Protocolonline tool to further support these projects and those looking to apply the Protocol in their work. Stay tuned.


Helping APs Manage their Credential

We’ve improved and expanded our AP user experience by introducing new features and automated reminders to help APs manage their coursework, continuing education credits (CEU), and update their public profiles in our searchable AP directory.


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