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Realizing the Beloved Community: EcoDistricts Joins PSE to Catalyze Equitable Growth

Published January 26, 2022
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To discuss this daunting challenge and what is required to reimagine our cities as more just and sustainable, and the opportunities of EcoDistricts joining Partnership for Southern Equity, we hosted a conversation with PSE and EcoDistricts founders Nathaniel Smith and Rob Bennett and three leading urbanists who have been advising our work for years -Ryan Gravel, Helen Chin, and Julian Agyeman.

Speakers: Nathaniel Smith, Founder and CEO, Partnership for Southern Equity, Rob Bennett, Founder and CEO, EcoDistricts, Ryan Gravel, Founder & President, Sixpitch, Julian Agyeman, Professor of Urban & Environmental Policy & Planning, Tufts University, Helen Chin, President, Communities First, Race Forward

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