The Just Communities Blog

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District Stormwater Management

District-scale “green” infrastructure helps preserve the local on-site water balance. They not only reduce the amount of stormwater available for runoff, but also the pollution from urban nonpoint sources that enter local streams. Neighborhood-scale stormwater management should begin with rainwater management at the site or individual property level and then scale up to the watershed level.
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District Energy

District energy systems provide an energy-efficient and cost-effective option for heating and cooling many buildings in a given locale, from a central plant. They use a network of underground pipes to pump steam, hot water, and/or chilled water to multiple buildings in an area such as a downtown district, college or hospital campus, airport or military base.
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Commercial Energy Retrofits

The two main forms of energy retrofits – conventional and deep energy retrofits – can be applied to commercial buildings, including offices, public buildings, schools and other institutions. Deep energy retrofits achieve much greater energy efficiency by taking a whole-building approach to address many systems at once.
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Bike Sharing

Bike-sharing systems are public active transportation programs comprised of interconnected stations that exchange bicycles for free or at an affordable rate for short distance trips in urban areas. These programs offer an alternative to motorized transportation to prevent its negative externalities, and present opportunities for increased physical activity.
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Engagement Technologies

A number of emerging community engagement programs use technology to empower local organizations with data, tools and fundraising resources to connect with communities, attract funders and inspire behavior change. Online forums, web services and social media are used to connect groups working on environmental and community enhancement projects to interested volunteers and donors.
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Cultural Programming

Creative place making and cultural programming are becoming increasingly popular economic development strategies. Neighborhoods and local cultural organizations are banding together to transform their cultural attributes into celebrations that attract people into the area.
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