Just Communities Information Exchange

An Online Library to Advance Neighborhood Equitable & Regenerative Development

The Just Communities Information Exchange is an ever-expanding online library of original and curated resources designed to support the application of best practices, innovative solutions, and peer-to-peer exchange for those looking to advance Just Growth. Just Communities Accredited Practitioners are encouraged to submit resources to the Exchange.

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World Council on City Data

The World Council on City Data (WCCD) focuses on creating standardized data for cities globally. James Patava's presentation at the UNSD Big Data Conference highlights the significance of ISO 37120, the first international standard for city data. This standard covers 17 themes and 100 indicators, offering cities a framework to measure and compare their services and quality of life.
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UN Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is dedicated to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity by 2030. The SDGs address global challenges, such as inequality and climate change, with an integrated approach, ensuring no one is left behind.
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Climate and Health Outlook Portal

The Climate and Health Outlook Portal offers monthly climate-related hazard forecasts and associated health impacts for U.S. communities. With interactive maps and county-level data on individual risk factors, this resource helps emergency response and healthcare professionals plan for and mitigate the health effects of climate hazards like heat, wildfire, and drought.
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Capitol Hill EcoDistrict Community Report

This is the 2018 annual report from Capitol Hill EcoDistrict in Seattle, WA. This is a great example of an annual progress report for other EcoDistricts and communities to use as an example.
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Breathe Easy Millvale Air Quality Planning

This Air Quality Planning guide is an example of a high-quality indicator report from an EcoDistricts Project. The Breathe Easy project recommends future actions and projects to catalyze change at the individual scale, in the borough, and in the region. This initiative, supported by the Heinz Endowments, is a result of Millvale's EcoDistrict Pivot 2.0 Plan led by evolveEA.
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The Empty House Next Door: Understanding and Reducing Vacancy and Hypervacancy in the United States

This report lays the groundwork for exploring the issue of vacancy by defining what is meant by a “vacant” property, what constitutes a “healthy” vacancy rate, how vacant properties are measured, and why properties become vacant and abandoned. It discusses the impact of vacant properties on the communities in which they are situated. The report gives a definition of vacant properties in the context of the overall housing market, explains the negative effects of vacant properties on the overall community wellbeing, and concludes with recommendations on how to curb the vacancy problem.
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Facilitator's Guide for Continuous Improvement Conversations with a Racial Equity Lens

This guide has been designed to support facilitators and leaders to advance cross-sector conversations and efforts aimed at population-level impact. The tools in this guide can support you in having productive conversations and allow you and your diverse partners to achieve dramatically better results in your community.
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Equity in Sustainability: An Equity Scan of Local Governments Sustainability Programs

This guide from the Urban Sustainability Directors Network is an important read that highlights the interdependence between socioeconomic and racial equity and sustainability. It highlights 10 “Good Practices” for community leaders to help integrate equity into sustainability efforts, and highlights cases from around the country using the “Good Practices.”
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The Value of Green Infrastructure Guide

This guide from the Center for Neighborhood Technology informs decision-makers and planners about the multiple benefits green infrastructure delivers to communities and guides communities in valuing the benefits of potential green infrastructure investments.
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